"Gepuk is culinary Sundanese food made from beef, sweet and savory. Gepuk made of beef thigh, sliced meats and the direction of the fiber-boiled, then crushed until slightly tender. Tender meat that had been soaked into the seasoning mixed with coconut milk. then cooked until coconut milk shrinking. If will be served fried was Gepuk with a little oil until browned and lift. Gepuk will be better in the meal with warm rice and sauce."
Bahan-bahan (Ingredients)
- Daging sapi 500 gr, ( paha sapi) (Beef 500 g, (thigh beef))
- Daun salam 2 lembar (Bay leaves 2 sheets)
- Serai 1 tangkai (1 stalk lemongrass)
- Daun jeruk 3 lembar (Lime leaves 3 pieces)
- Lengkuas 1 cm (Galangal 1 cm)
- Air asam 1 sdm (Acidic water 1 tbsp)
- Santan kelapa 1 liter (Coconut milk 1 liter)
- Gula merah 50 gr (Brown sugar 50 ounces)
- Garam halus secukupnya (Fine salt to taste)
- Minyak goreng secukupnya (Right amount of oil)
- Bawang merah 8 siung, ulek halus (Shallots 8 cloves, finely grind)
- Bawang putih 2 siung, ulek halus (2 cloves garlic, finely grind)
- Ketumbar sangrai 1 sdm, ulek halus (Toasted 1 tbsp coriander, finely grind)
- Kemiri sangrai 5 butir, ulek halus (Kemiri roaster 5 eggs, finely grind)
- Panaskan air dalam panci lalu masukkan daging sapi ke dalamnya, biarkan mendidih bersama air rebusan sampai daging terasa empuk kemudian angkat dan tiriskan. (Heat water in a saucepan and enter beef into it, along with water simmer stew until the meat feels soft then remove and drain.)
- Selanjutnya bagi daging hingga menjadi beberapa potong bagian kemudian pipihkan, bisa digulung dan diikat dengan tali agar daging tidak terlepas dari seratnya. (Furthermore, for the meat up into several pieces and then pipihkan part, can be rolled up and tied with a rope so that the meat can not be separated from the fiber.)
- Berikutnya masak bahan bumbu yang dihaluskan bersama dengan santan. Aduk merata dan masak sampai mendidih dan matang. ( Next cook the ingredients seasoning mashed together with coconut milk. Stir and cook until boiling and mature.)
- Kemudian tambahkan potongan daging sapi yang sudah digepuk ke dalam masakan campuran santan. Aduk merata dan biarkan campuran santan meresap ke dalam daging sapi. ( Then add the pieces of beef that has been crushed into cooking coconut milk mixture. Toss well and let the mixture soak into the coconut milk beef.)
- Setelah campuran santan menyusut, angkat masakan dan lakukan tahap terakhir yaitu digoreng. (Once the coconut milk mixture to shrink, lift the dishes and do the last stage that is fried.)
- Lakukan penggorengan dengan minyak panas hingga matang. Angkat lalu tiriskan agar minyak sisa penggorengan berjatuhan kemudian hidangkan. ( Make a frying pan with hot oil until cooked. Lift and drain so that the rest of the frying oil falling and then serve.)
"Gepuk beef cooked Sundanese already completed and ready to be served along with other cuisines dish."
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